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Entrega de Alimentos, León, Nicaragua

Siempre con la misión de llevar ayuda a quienes más lo necesitan, nuestro equipo se desplazo a la ciudad de León, Nicaragua para llevar alivio a los niños de escasos recursos y predicar la Palabra de Dios.

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Ayuda Guatemala

Con la colaboración de muchos hermanos llevamos ayuda a familias de escasos recursos en Guatemala. Nuestro Ministerio sigue trabajando para ayudar a los más necesitados.

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Food Delivery to Children in Nicaragua

With the help of donations we proceeded to deliver food in the areas of greatest need in Nicaragua.  

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Bringing Help to Children in Brazil

As part of fulfilling the great commission, we have reached the children of Brazil, bringing food to more than one hundred ...

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Help low-income elderly

As part of the Good Samaritan program, we visit the elderly with limited resources and share food that satisfies ...

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April 10 Community

As part of the five loaves and two fish program, we visited low-income children and shared…

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Support from Canasta Básica El Salvador

With the help of donations we proceeded to deliver food in the areas of greatest need in El Salvador.  

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«Tuve hambre y me diste de comer…»
